The Story Behind the New DVULI Acronym Logo and the "Deh-VOO-lee" Campaign
Today is an exciting day — the brand that youth workers have known, respected, and loved for 23-years has a new logo addition.
One with a new look and feel...and sound!
You see DVULI but say, “Deh-VOO-lee.”
Many of you already refer to us as “Deh-VOO-lee.” We recognized that pronouncing this way is easier to remember and to say (even in Spanish) so we made it official by:
1) adding the DVULI acronym to the brand family and
2) actively encouraging the shift from pronouncing it as “D-V-U-L-I” to “Deh-VOO-lee.”
You’ll notice that our new logo addition includes the familiar city skyline design element added to the brand family in 2007. We wanted it to be distinct and memorable while nodding to the urban communities in which we serve.
Our new wordmark symbolizes God’s light shining upon urban cities where our youth leaders, in turn, reflect His light back into the communities and youth they serve.
Some of the additional versions of the new DVULI acronym logo were added to the brand family.
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You will also see the new DVULI acronym logo being phased into several places; our website, social media, signage, follow-up training, and some of our partner websites.
When you see our new logo, it’s yours to own and say!
NOTE: Please make sure to NOT write out /Deh-VOO-lee/, as this is the sound-spelling version to help with pronunciation. Always write out the acronym, DVULI, when referring to our program.
Let’s work together in a collaborative effort to use the new /Deh-VOO-lee/ pronunciation in conversations. Next time you are talking about your DVULI experience with a friend, a pastor, alumni, pronounce it “DehVOOlee” and see what they say!
Our Mission
Twenty-three years and 1,200 alumni later, the DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative (DVULI) mission remains the same -- to make a positive impact on the lives of youth by investing in their leaders.
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